GSA Contract

4tell™ Expands GSA Contract for Energy Consulting Services and Smart Building System Integration

Portland, ME and Washington, DC, September 21, 2010 – 4tell™ Solutions, LLC, (“4tell™”) is pleased to announce its official award of two new services under its General Services Administration (GSA) Facilities Maintenance and Management Contract # GS 21F 0130W: Energy Consulting Services and Smart Buildings System Integration.

4tell™ Solutions Awarded GSA Contract for Energy and Facilities Services

Portland, ME and Washington DC, March 25, 2010 – 4tell™ Solutions, LLC, (“4tell™”) is pleased to announce its official award of a contract under the General Services Administration (GSA) Facilities Maintenance and Management Schedule. The five year contract confirms 4tell as an approved vendor enabling buyers from federal, state and local agencies to quickly and efficiently procure both energy solutions and facilities consulting services.

4tell™ Solutions Awarded GSA Schedule 70 Contract

Portland, ME and Washington DC, February 23, 2010 – 4tell™ Solutions, LLC, (“4tell™”) is pleased to announce its official award of a contract under the General Services Administration (GSA) Information Technology - Schedule 70. The five year contract confirms 4tell as an approved vendor enabling buyers from federal, state and local agencies to quickly and efficiently procure both services and software solutions.

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