Project Detail
- 4tell Solutions, LP was selected by the District of Columbia to provide and support comprehensive Sustainable Facility Assessments, conduct energy assessments and provide asset Sustainability technology for its owned and leased real estate portfolio representing over 22 MM sq feet and $300 MM in annual real estate and energy expenditures.
- Implemented the iPlan™ Real Estate Portfolio Solution to streamline and support the strategic capital planning, energy planning, and budgeting processes, construction management, project and program development, and stakeholder reporting requirements.
- Implemented of comprehensive facility condition and life-cycle assessments of all sites, infrastructure, buildings and systems of fire, police, recreation and administrative buildings (300 buildings) into iPlan™ for strategic capital and energy planning.
- Completed ASHRAE Level II energy and water assessments for assets (fire, police, school, shelter, recreation, and administration representing 200+ buildings), to identify energy conservation measures with detailed information including payback period, return on investment, green house gas emissions, investment cost, energy and waters consumptions savings, etc., completed ASHRAE Level II assessments of over half of the eligible portfolio.
- Completed comprehensive assessments including condition, ADA, LEED, Security, Green Roof, Haz Mat, and Environmental on 120 schools. Complete space analysis and identified gaps with existing data. Made recommendations for corrections of deficiencies. All data collected and populated in iPlan™.
- Completed comprehensive assessments including condition, ADA, LEED, Security, Green Roof, Haz Mat, and Environmental on 140 municipal buildings. Complete space analysis and identified gaps with existing data. Made recommendations for corrections of deficiencies. All data collected and populated in iPlan™.
- Identified and analyzed gaps with existing survey data and program compliance; made recommendations around high return energy retrofit and compliance projects as part of optimization model.
- Delivered Consulting Services including strategic capital planning, analyses, scenarios, reports and policy recommendations - developed KPI’s and benchmarking for performance management, regulatory compliance and reporting.
- Developed schedule of funding and reporting requirements to align with unique District and Congressional procurement requirements for budgets and acquisition of goods and services.
- Improved capital and lifecycle investment decisioning to support strategic plan.
- Development of strategic plan to support compliance.
- Cost reduction & avoidance across all aspects of operations.
- Reduced energy consumption and environmental impact.
- A consistent capital, energy and sustainability planning process has been implemented which integrates information about the following types of assets: life safety components, telecommunication infrastructure, facilities audit data, security systems, energy and water consumption and environmental monitoring systems, occupant consumption and comfort, HVAC, lighting, and building envelope.
- Results and impact of renewable energy technologies have been evaluated and included as part of plan.
- Optimization and prioritization of project investment across capital, energy, water and environmental needs and objectives.
- Developed centralized knowledge base.
- Leadership is fostering sustainability across financial, energy, environmental and social parameters.