"ENVIRONMENTAL" -- Pillar of Sustainability
E C O N O M I C | E N E R G Y | E N V I R O N M E N T A L | S O C I A L
Global warming due to green house gas emissions, demand for alternative energy sources and the need to protect food/water supplies are among the critical issues that require swift universal action. Organizations today are seeking approaches that enable them to play a role in the solution to climate change. They need to be able to make smart environmental choices by having access to the information by which to make educated decisions and particularly in light of the current changing economic environment, understand the value of making "green" investments.
Competing priorities can only temporarily be an excuse for inaction or lack of direction. But ultimately, by showing leadership and innovation, there are bona-fide opportunities to make environmentally-based smart choices that will provide commercial, financial and reputational benefits. This is no longer radical thinking -- it is the new norm that organizations need to embrace as they adopt a lower carbon mentality.
Environmental impacts
Environmental initiatives however, must be considered in the context of the organizational and operational conditions. Having an effective, predictive process to analyze the priorities, execute a plan, and measure the key performance indicators is the basis for decisions and a framework that can transform raw information into valuable knowledge about environmental impact.
Sustainable Performance Governance Solutions provide a platform for organizations who are seeking a proactive approach to analyzing, measuring, executing and substantiating a sound environmental plan. Organizations that are committed to reducing their carbon footprint need an understanding of current levels of usage in order to define targets and emission reduction goals. Improving environmental performance requires the ability to interface with energy data that may exist in multiple formats and also built-in comparative data and industry energy usage models. These models provide invaluable intelligence in the form of retrofit recommendations and verification of savings, ultimately providing both the internal knowledge as well as accepted benchmarks for comparatives.